Bongo Productions is a group of six students from Forsbergs Skola in Stockholm, Sweden.
The group was formed to create a game during a 10 week project over the summer of 2018. The team consists of three artists:
Jonathan Nordén (3D-eviroment, level design)
Marius Nilsson (3D-characters, animation, vfx)
Nicola de Ruvo (3D-characters, animation, enviroment, UI)
and three designers:
Joy Zetterholm (Level design, programming, puzzle-design)
Anton Morin (Programming, puzzle-design)
Philip Lundius (UX, puzzle-design)
We have studied game-development for two semesters and decided to take our combined newly obtained knowledge and create the game "Windtale" , a 3D-platforming puzzle and adventure-game that is set in a temple surrounded by a tropical jungle.
The game targets a large audience but focuses on bringing a retro-platforming feel to gamers that grew up with the old "Playstation" and "Nintendo 64" games of the 90:s.